TimeBillz is a set of stacks designed to be useful to anyone (or any group) who bills time and expenses. The system is based on one used by many large communication consulting/advertising firms.
The basic concept of TimeBillz is simple: Each employee completes a Time Sheet and Expense Report each week, using client codes assigned by some overseeing entity. This same entity determines how hourly billable rates will be determined (and how much expenses will be marked up), and enters these determinations on the Job Summary Rate Information card. At appropriate times, a Job Summary is run to find out how much, in dollars and cents, in time and expenses, a given client has spent on his or her job. With this information in hand, the user can bill the client, or just keep them (and him/herself) apprised. There are examples of each type of card built in to mess around with. When you feel so inclined, delete them.
This version of TimeBillz doesn't have an Invoice module (which would make the billing system complete). This is because of Hypercard's annoying small screen limitations, and the amount of trouble it takes to work around them, when there are plenty of nifty programs around to use for that purpose.
Hey, be my guest, build your own if you insist. (But make sure to let me know about it so I can use it.)
Why not a single stack?. Flexibility. You might give only the Time Sheet stack to employees, and summarize at a central location by pasting cards (or by using a card mover utility you'll find in one DL or another). Or keep Client Info separate. Or give everyone everything. With minimum modifications, you can use this set to suit most strategies and numbers of users. But keep the modules you do use together.
Some of these instructions are obvious, but what the heck. Others aren't, so do bear with me.
Lets you keep track of clients, as well as the codes assigned to each. To use, simply enter the client's name, address, phone, contact name, a description of the job, and the code (your coding system is up to you, but the first three letters of the client's name and an identifying number seems to make sense.) you'd like to use for the client.
Ñ Assign Code --- Searches for the code in the "Codes in Use" list. If not used, it will be assigned. If in use, you'll have the option of deleting the previous usage (and replacing it with this one), or picking another code.
Ñ Delete Code --- Deletes current code assignment.
Ñ To Summary --- Goes to Job Summary stack.
Ñ New/Delete --- Clicking the button alone creates a new client card, placing today's date in the New Client Date box. Clicking with the option key depressed deletes the card and the code (if not already deleted).
Ñ Codes in Use --- Goes to list of currently assigned codes.
Ñ To Time Sheets/Expenses --- Clicking the button alone goes to the Time Sheet stack. Clicking with the option key depressed goes to the Expense stack.
Ñ Lettermaker --- Writes current date, contact name, client name, address and salute (first name of contact) to temporary file for immediate or future completion with word processor---just open the file and it will be converted to your wordprocessor's format, or you'll be prompted to convert it. (If running Multifinder, it's safest to always pick "later" in dialogue box.)
Ñ Print Card/Report --- Clicking the button alone prints the card. Clicking with the option key depressed allows generation of a report detailing all clients.
Ñ Dial (Click on the word "Phone") --- Dials the client number. Note: Putting an alternate number in another field is fine. Select it and then click to use.
ÑFind --- Finds whatever you type in. ( Used in Client cards, it ignores the Codes In Use list. )
Ñ Sort ---Allows sorting by Client Name or New Client Date.
ÑReturn --- Returns to previous location (Pops card).
ÑArrows --- Go to previous or next card.
Lets you keep track of time spent on client projects on a weekly basis. Enter Client Code, Activity Code (see Job Summary for more on this), number of hours spent, and a brief (one line) description. As you enter hours, they will be totaled at the bottom of the sheet.
Ñ New/Delete --- Clicking the button alone creates a new time sheet, placing the current name into the new Name box, and adding a week to the previous Week Ending date. Clicking with the option key depressed deletes the card.
Ñ Sort ---Allows sorting by Name or Date.
Ñ To... --- Goes to named destinations.
Ñ Print Card/Report --- Clicking the button alone prints the card. Clicking with the option key depressed allows generation of a report.
Ñ Show Client Codes (Click "Client Code") --- Goes to list of current codes in use. Click Return to come back.
Ñ Show Activity Codes (Click "Code") --- With mouse depressed, shows list of activity codes. To edit, move off "Code" with mouse down. (Click again to hide.) Creating a new time sheet will carry text forward. (The list should mirror the Rate Information card in the Job Summary stack, but it's not done automatically.)
Lets you keep track of expenses, again on a weekly basis. Enter information as you do with the Time Sheets: Client Code, month/day of expense, amount of expense, and description. As you enter amounts, they will be totaled at the bottom of the sheet.
Buttons: (See Time Sheet)
The heart of TimeBillz. Here you bring together time and/or expenses for a given client to arrive at a billable total, based on rate parameters you determine.
The first thing you should do when using TimeBillz is go to the Rate Information card. Pressing "Adjust Rates" will get you there. Then determine whether you want to have your rates based on the Person, the Activity, or both.
Choosing Person (with the radio button highlighted) summarizes time this way:
The number of Hours spent * (the Person Base Rate * the Person Multiplier)= amount displayed
The best strategy is to enter the lowest possible hourly billable rate in the Base Rate box, because it will be the default rate if no match is made. Then use larger multipliers for specific exceptions. Multipliers can be set for groups instead of individuals (like "Clerical .5"), but the match is made based on the "Name" field on the Time Sheets/Expense Reports, so "Clerical" would have to be put in place of an actual name.
Choosing Activity (with the radio button highlighted) summarizes time this way:
The number of Hours spent * the Activity Rate = amount displayed
Numbers for each Activity Rate correspond to the code that is entered on a Time Sheet. (This list can be entered on the time sheets themselves for easy reference.) While there are 12 possible BILLABLE activities, the default is $0 (non-billable), so any number of codes can actually be used for better tracking.
Choosing BOTH (with both radio buttons highlighted) summarizes time this way:
The number of Hours spent * (the Activity Rate * the Person Multiplier)= amount displayed
The default multiplier is 1, so any non-match in Person will show up at the basic Activity Rate (or 0 if there's no activity match).
Rate Information Buttons:
Ñ To... --- Press the option key while clicking to go to the Expense Stack.
The other buttons do as specified. The arrow on the bottom left goes to the Summary Sheets.
Job Summary Buttons:
Ñ Summarize --- Summarizes Time & Expenses for code entered in "FOR CODE" box. Will use multiple pages if necessary. Pressing the shift key while clicking allows separate time OR expense summary. Pressing the option key allows adjustment of summary start and end dates.
Ñ To... --- Press the option key while clicking to go to the Expense Stack.
Ñ Print... --- Without the option key, will print all (continuous) cards in a given summary. With: prints report.
Ñ New/Delete --- Clicking the button alone creates a new summary sheet, putting today's date in the Date box. Clicking with the option key depressed deletes the card.
ÑFind Client Code (click on "FOR CODE:") --- Finds the current summary code in the Client Info stack. If you just want to browse in the Client Info stack, click "I'll look" when prompted.
Ñ Adjust Rates --- Goes to Rate Information card.
The arrows go to previous and next cards.
Send bug reports, comments, etc. to A. W. Vidmer ---73057,2307
These stacks are SHAREWARE. If you use them, please send $10 to A.W. Vidmer c/o Taylor Consulting Associates, 5214 Maryland Way, Brentwood, TN 37027. Thanks heaps.